Other associated conditions include lichen planus, psoriasis, immunoglobulinĪ deficiency, atopic dermatitis, and ichthyosis vulgaris. It has been suggested that trachyonychia may herald the onset of alopecia areata, which is consistent with our patient's clinical course. One study of alopecia areata in children observed that 46 percent also had nail abnormalities and 12 percent specifically It appears in association with another condition, alopecia areata would be the most common. The cause of trachyonychia is often idiopathic, but when However, 20-nailĭystrophy should only be used when all of the nails are affected. Sometimes the terms trachyonychia and 20-nail dystrophy are used interchangeably in the literature. Trachyonychia clinically appears as if the nails have been sandpapered in the longitudinal direction, which leaves a rough-ridged Nails also exhibited onychoschizia and distal onycholysis. All 20 nails exhibited longitudinal ridges and were rough in texture. The hair on the scalp, face, and body was absent. Past medical history and a review of systems were noncontributory. He used fluocinonide lotion previously for the hair loss. Nail ridges have been present for 10 years but have worsened 18 months ago after the onset of hair loss over his entire body. The treatment of alopeciaĪ 43-year-old man initially presented to the NYU Dermatology Associates in April, 2007, for evaluation of nail ridges. The differentiation of keratinocytes and/or reducing inflammation in the nail fold or nail matrix. The principle of treating trachyonychia may involve regulating

Trachyonychia can be associated with alopecia universalisĪlthough the treatment strategies of both conditions differ. Onset of alopecia universalis 18 months ago prior to presentation. MD PhD, Olympia I Kovich MD Dermatology Online Journal 14 (5): 24 Department of Dermatology, New York University AbstractĪ 43-year-old man presented with long-standing trachyonychia of all 20 nails, noted worsening of his nail disease after the Alopecia universalis with twenty-nail dystrophy (trachyonychia)